Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Waiting... An Update

I mentioned that I e-mailed our placement caseworker about the three opportunities mentioned in the book we received at the Match Event on Saturday. She e-mailed me back early Monday morning and said she would forward our home study to the respective caseworkers so they can make a decision.

We don't know when we'll hear anything, but it sure feels good to know that the wheels are turning, and things are happening, even if they're out of our control. (And even if that phrase makes me want to shudder sometimes!) :-)

On Monday afternoon, I received an e-mail from one of the caseworkers I had e-mailed myself, and she was asking for the name of our organization and caseworker. She was the one with a two-girl sibling group. I complied, but we have yet to hear anything back from her.

So, that's a brief update with where we are. I don't want to be boring, sharing news that's really no news, but, then again, this is a real picture of how it goes for a potential placement family. You hurry up and wait! And get ready for the fun craziness to begin!

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