Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Car Organization, Pt. 1 (of ?)

For those of you who don't know me personally, here's the biggest happening in my life at the moment: I am beginning a journey as a new Stay-At-Home-Mom this fall. My husband and I decided on this course during the last school year, made it official in March, and I have been able to practice my new "job" all summer! For the first time in the eight years since college, when my husband went to school on that first day, I was not with him. I of course am experiencing many emotions - excitement, anxiety, panic...

One of my first goals as a new SAHM is Organization. Now, I know that is probably too vague to be a goal. I learned in youth ministry and teaching that goals must be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, and Time-Oriented. So, Organization would probably be my big-picture brain goal that will be broken down into smaller chunks of achievable objectives. :-) There's my teaching brain still working!

I ran across this post on Pinterest of a very detailed car trunk organization project. http://pinterest.com/pin/164240717633776974/

You have GOT to check it out to see how incredibly detailed it is!

So, I wanted to do a car trunk organizing of my own. Now, here is my statement before you look over my pictures, after looking at her pictures: my car trunk doesn't look exactly like her van.

A) We have young kids and we're not quite at the stage where we spend every night at a ball field or gym and travel to kids' stuff all weekend, so we may not need everything she has listed.

B) I'm glamming up the trunk of a Kia Forte, not a van or SUV. AND

C) I'm just starting! :-)

That being said...

Here are a couple of pictures of the first stage of my trunk organization project:

This is the trunk as a whole:

Here's the left bin:

Here's the right bin:

The floral Laura Ashley organizer was purchased from Amazon. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Laura-Ashley-Collapsible-Trunk-Organizer/dp/B0085XHA98/ref=sr_1_31?ie=UTF8&qid=1376604143&sr=8-31&keywords=car+trunk+organizer

The black organizer was purchased from The Container Store. Here's the link:

Here is a list of the items I put into the organizers for Step One of the project:
  • a roll of paper towel
  • two cartons of tissue
  • antibacterial hand sanitizer
  • antibacterial cleaning wipes 
  • baby wipes
  • a first aid kit
  • a small "hair" bag with a brush, elastics, and bows for Miss A (in case it doesn't get done at home!)
  • a bag with a change of clothes for each kid
  • zip-top gallon sized storage bags
  • trash bags
  • my reusable grocery bags
  • plastic grocery bags
  • an umbrella
  • a small note pad, pens, and scissors
  • a spare phone charger
As I said earlier, I'm BEGINNING this project at this time! It has come in handy already, which I remind my husband when he makes fun of me for undertaking this endeavor! I look forward to adding to the plethora of "stuff" back there as I learn what else I may need on a day-to-day-emergency basis.

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