We heard via e-mail today from the caseworker about the twins' visits with their biological family before the trial in June.
They will have two visits a month, for two hours at a time, supervised, at the CPS office in San Antonio. Little Guy and I will probably be having some fun lunch dates, as most of them are over that time period of the day.
This is a little unusual, as typically the birthparents receive one-hour-long weekly visits (or bi-weekly visits, occasionally). Maybe they are making it so we only have to drive in half as often, but still get the required number of hours. Not a huge deal.
Nothing much else to report. I assume we'll start working with the twins' lawyer, caseworker, and CPS' lawyer to prepare us to testify in the trial. I am pretty apprehensive about the testifying, since this is obviously the first time I've been involved in a "real" court case and trial. I'd appreciate prayers for a calming of nerves and the right words to say at the right moments. And, overall, just for God's will to be done. He already knows the end result! We'll keep on keeping on!
Thanks, all!
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