Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Plans

I wrote yesterday in this post that we were waiting to hear about the decisions made today at the court hearing for the twins' case. We were most concerned with hearing about extended, unsupervised, or Christmas visitations being scheduled.

I heard from the lawyer this afternoon regarding the hearing. The judge did not grant Christmas visitation, and is also fine with our traveling over the holidays. However, we will have another supervised visit at the department on either January 2nd or January 3rd, which means we will have to cut short our trip up to the Great North a day or two. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things.

Our caseworker had made comments this week to the effect that the judge might be convinced by the previous caregivers' lawyers to begin the reunification process, and she was just alerting us to the possibility, even thought it's too early in the case to officially determine an end result. We're thankful that actual talk of starting that process, which we firmly believe would not be in the best interest for any of the five children, does not seem to be happening yet, at this point.

So, overall, the case is still pretty nebulous. There isn't a real end date to shoot for, but there is another hearing set for January 29th. There will be a supervised visit or two, and the investigation into the alleged happenings at the previous caregivers' house will continue between now and then. Again, no timeline at this point to determine the end result, but at least we know where we all stand today. The judge, lawyers, and caseworkers are happy with the kids' placements and want to continue them.

Much thanks for your thoughts and prayers. We're thankful that our families get to spend Christmas with the girls, and that we also get to spend our time with our families! Now on with the packing!

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